
Boarding House News

Our Star Boarder this week is Antoine CM (Year 4). He has been putting an enormous amount of effort into organising himself and tidying his dorm. He also practises his piano and French horn twice a day. He is doing really well. Well done to him.

Last Friday took place our first Big Sleepover of the year. The theme was Superheroes and as you can see from the pictures, children and their parents were very inspired. The 28 children boarding that night had a fantastic evening and night in the Boarding House. We started the evening with a giant game of dodge ball in the gym with everyone dressed in their superhero outfit. For dinner, children enjoyed some Batman burgers and Spider potatoes and finished with some delicious fresh fruit and chocolate kebabs. After supper, there were two activities on offer in the Boarding House – boarders could either go to the Year 4 classroom to design and build their own stick man superheroes or stay in the hub to watch a superhero film (Incredibles 2). All the boarders, even the less experienced ones, felt comfortable in the Boarding House and they all dealt with being away from home very well. I was extremely impressed. Well done to all of them. In the morning, we enjoyed a full English breakfast before parents started to arrive to pick up their children.

There were several competitions taking place over the the whole sleepover:

Best costumes were Peter B (Year 4) and Edith (Year 4).
Best superhero stick man creation was Arabella S (Year 3).
Best behaved boarder overall was Sophie L (Year 3).

Well done everyone!

Thank you to all the children who have signed up for this event. It was a great success and we hope to see them again for our next sleepover.
I would like to say a special thank you to the boarding team without whom the organisation of such big events would be impossible. Thank you Ms Baxendale, Miss Wurst, Mr Egarr and Mr Guildford. I am lucky to work with such a good and dedicated team of fabulous people.

On behalf of the boarding team, I wish all the ECS pupils and our boarders a wonderful half term.
Mr Cédric Baurance
Head of Boarding


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