Year 4 Rainforest Writers
4B have written fantastic descriptive recounts in response to their study of Jeannie Baker’s ‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’. They imagined arriving at and
4B have written fantastic descriptive recounts in response to their study of Jeannie Baker’s ‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’. They imagined arriving at and
Our choristers have been busy in their home studios recording another piece of choral music to lift your spirits. Their most recent production is the
Over the Trinity half term, we were delighted to receive a rendition of Schubert’s Ave Maria, expertly performed by three of our choristers: Natalie (Year 8)
Well – there it is, folks. We made it. Half term. Well done to everyone for your hard work, your flexibility, your adaptability, your openness,
The choristers have been keeping busy despite not being able to sing at the Cathedral, or as a group. They have produced several hymns and
In their Science lessons, Year 2 have been learning about the impact of exercise on the human body. Each pupil had to choose five exercises
Linking with our Rainforest topic, our English text has been the excellent ‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’ by Jeannie Baker, set in Daintree rainforest
Here are this week’s pictures from the Lower Years Art Hub created using hand, finger or foot prints. So clever and imaginative! Well done to
Year 6 have adapted their secondary-level studies of the Tudors to Home Learning in a very positive way. Elizabeth I is now on the throne,
It’s been another fantastic week of sporting activities across the School. This week, children were set the challenge of finding different numbers when they were
Exeter Cathedral School
The Chantry, Palace Gate,
Exeter, Devon EX1 1HX
Tel: 01392 255 298